“The World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) is an important antidote to the nuclear-energy industry’s relentless boosterism."
Frank von Hippel
Professor of Public and International Affairs emeritus, Program on Science and Global Security, International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM) Princeton University, USA, April 2017
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“Der WNISR ist eine hervorragende und wegen seiner Unabhängigkeit unerlässliche Wissensbasis für Entscheidungsträger aus Politik und Wirtschaft.”
Manfred Fischedick
Vice-President, Wuppertal Institute on Climate, Environment, Energy Professor, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany, June 2017
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“The WNISR is especially very useful to teach students the distinction between opinions and facts, and to train them to the improvement of their arguments.”
Arnaud Delebarre
Professor, Energy Major Coordinator, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT), France/China, May 2017
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“Making sense of today’s highly contested debate about nuclear power remains as problematic as ever. For anyone called upon to help explain to non-specialist audiences exactly what’s going on, based on impartial data and analysis, the WNISR is the single most important reference document in this space.”
Jonathon Porritt
Founder Director, Forum for the Future, London, UK
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“This 2017 World Nuclear Industry Status Report is perhaps the most decisive document in the history of nuclear power. The report makes clear, in telling detail, that the debate is over.”
S. David Freeman
former Chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), in the Foreword to WNISR2017, U.S.
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“Fantastic job! Prepping my nuclear lecture as usual this year and WNISR again an invaluable source…It is brilliant and a service to humanity.”
Lars J. Nilsson
Professor of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, Sweden, April 2017
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“Labeling it a report is somewhat misleading. It’s more like an encyclopedia filled with facts and insights.”
Dave Lochbaum
Former Director of the Nuclear Safety Project Union of Concerned Scientists
Washington D.C., U.S.
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“Without the objective and informed voice of this unique resource, government judges and other decision-makers would have little choice but to rely on the self-interested assertions of the nuclear industry.”
Diane Curran
Attorney, Washington DC, USA, March 2018
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“The most comprehensive, detailed, apolitical and honest report on the current status of the World’s Nuclear Industry.”
Laurent Segalen
Managing Partner at Megawatt-X, HEC School of Management, London, UK
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“Without the WNISR we would lack a sound database on the reality around nuclear new-build programs internationally.”
Dr. Dörte Fouquet
Lawyer, Partner Becker-Büttner-Held, Germany, April 2018
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“Je connais bien votre rapport qui est une référence, y compris en France.”
François Lévêque
Professeur d’économie, Mines-ParisTech, France
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“As always, WNISR is invaluable."
Peter Bradford
Former Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA
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“... we attach more importance to the WNISR, primarily because we believe that this report is done without the interference of interest groups.”
Jade Huang
Vice-Secretary General International Forum for Clean Energy (IFCE), Macao/Beijing, China, September 2018
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“Important and crucial to receive as every year the World Nuclear Industry Status Report.”
Thomas Johansson
“Co-Chair, Global Energy Assessment, IIASA”, Sweden/Austria
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“The report provides authoritative, important information that cannot and should not be ignored, regardless of one’s attitudes about the nuclear industry.”
John Mecklin
Editor in chief, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, USA, June 2017
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The Independent Assessment of Nuclear Developments in the World

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  • Abandoned Constructions 93
  • Under Construction 61
  • Operating 410
  • Long-Term Outage 32
  • Closed 215
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