9 January 2017

WNISR + Visionscarto: Interactive Nuclear Construction Visualization Launched!

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) team is proud to announce the launch of a fully interactive visualization on nuclear power reactor construction. How many of the 55 reactors currently under construction in the world are behind schedule? Which 13 countries are building nuclear power plants? Who are the technology providers? How long did it take for a specific reactor to be connected to the grid? For how long were the 90 units actually under construction before they were abandoned? If you wish to find out these and more details about any of the 754 nuclear reactors that have been under construction sometime between 1951 and 2017, the Global Nuclear Power Database is now available to explore.


Using the WNISR database, managed by EnerWebWatch’s Julie Hazemann, which is the basis of the annual World Nuclear Industry Status Reports, this unique tool was developed together with Visionscarto’s Philippe Rivière and Philippe Rekacewicz for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

Contact: Mycle Schneider - mycle@orange.fr - +33-1-69 83 23 79